2015-8-9 00:26
員工為抗議扒手而罷工 艾菲爾鐵塔因而關閉
Eiffel Tower shut as staff walk out over pickpockets
Paris’s iconic Eiffel Tower was shut to tourists on Friday as staff walked off the job to protest a surge in gangs of pickpockets roaming around the monument.
The closure of one of the busiest tourist attractions in the French capital ahead of a long holiday weekend recalls a similar strike at the Louvre museum in 2013 as staff protested against the often violent pickpockets stalking the halls of the palace.
Workers at the 126-year-old iron lattice tower -- a glittering symbol of Paris -- said in a statement they had chosen to down tools due to an "increase in pickpockets around the Eiffel Tower and several threats and assaults."